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2 6171 Hier 12:49:52 par dirahot46911
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4 4371 24/10/2024 11:44:38 par orpailleur79
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#1 20/08/2019 09:59:33

Nouveau membre
Date d'inscription: 20/08/2019
Messages: 1
Son Agriavispace
Sa cagnotte : 1

I'm at my wit's end with my Case 446 garden tractor. It has a whole host of problems, even after an almost complete rebuild. The newest issue, preventing me from doing anything at all, is with the starter system. I turn the ignition to start, the solenoid (I believe) clicks, and the starter audibly spins (or at least makes a loud whirring noise). The thing is, it won't turn the engine at all, so I just get fruitless whirring. The battery is literally brand new too. I really have no idea where to start english news capread with this. Sorry if this isn't the right place for this, but I'm not really sure where else to go, and I have a party tomorrow that I *need* to mow my field for before then, so I'm kind of in dire straits in terms of finding a solution. In general, what would this suggest? I don't need anything specific, I'm really just looking for a starting point becuase I need to get this done ASAP unfortunately.

Dernière modification par andy99 (27/08/2019 15:03:39)

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